For information on travel documents, please consult the Guide to Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation at the following address:
For the issuance of the biometric passport to adults, it is necessary to make an appointment on the PRENOT@MI portal ( only after fulfilling the following condition:
- If the passport applicant has been in India for more than 12 months, before requesting the appointment and in order to receive the passport it is necessary to be registered with AIRE and update one’s personal and marital status.
For information on the AIRE registration or updating procedure, please consult the Italian Registry of Residents Abroad (A.I.R.E.) section.
When applying for a passport, the Consular Chancery will verify that the applicant is registered with AIRE and that his or her personal situation and that of his or her family unit are updated.
On the day of the appointment, the interested party must present himself with:
- Application form (downloadable at this link)
- The previous passport
- A passport-sized photograph (3.5 x 4 cm, frontal, on a white background, face in the foreground)
- Receipt of the bank transfer relating to the payment of the issuing fees (bank details can be downloaded at this link). The amount can also be paid by QR Code available on-site. Information on personal data (downloadable at this link)
You will be grateful to advance to the e-mail address a copy of the aforementioned receipt and a copy of all the required documentation within three days prior to the appointment.
For the issuance of the biometric passport for minors, the presence of the minor of any age at the consular office on the day of the appointment to be made on the PRENOT@MI portal ( is always required. The minor must be accompanied by both or one of the parents.
The following documentation must be presented at the appointment:
- Application for the issuance of a passport for minors (downloadable at this link): duly completed and signed by both parents, accompanied by a photocopy of their identification documents; alternatively, an application for the issuance of a passport for minors signed by only one of the parents accompanied by a separate act of consent (downloadable at this link) of the other parent (if he or she is an EU citizen or resident in Italy), with a scan of the identification document of the parent who is not present from which the signature affixed to the consent form can be seen (for citizens of non-European countries, the other parent must instead sign the consent personally at the Consular Chancery or, alternatively, have the signature authenticated at a Police Headquarters, if in Italy, or a diplomatic-consular representation, if abroad in a country other than India); in the case of separated or divorced parents who are unable to produce the required consent, there is the right to address a request to the Head of the Consular Chancery for the issuance of the appropriate authorization, if the minor children reside in the consular district of the Italian Embassy in New Delhi.
- The previous passport
- A passport-sized photograph (3.5 x 4 cm, frontal, on a white background, face in the foreground)
- The receipt of the bank transfer relating to the payment of the release fees (downloadable at this link). The amount can also be paid by QR Code available on-site.
- Information on personal data (downloadable at this link)
You will be grateful to advance a copy of the aforementioned receipt and a copy of all the documentation to the e-mail address within three days prior to the appointment.
The act of consent is a personal declaration that the parent can sign using the appropriate form or by drawing up a declaration in lieu of certification. A photocopy of your identity document must be attached to the consent form. The signature of the parent who is not a citizen of the European Union must be authenticated by the Consular Office. In the event of a request for authentication of the signature of the foreign parent residing in India on a consent document to be sent to the Italian Police Headquarters / or other Consular Representation, the interested parties must contact the Consular Office at the e-mail address:
In the event of the death of one of the parents, it is necessary to present the death certificate of the same. In the absence of the consent of the other parent, the Head of the Consular Representation, in his capacity as Tutelary Judge of minors residing in the jurisdiction, after having carried out the usual investigations, may authorize the issuance of a passport to the applicant by means of a specific consular decree.
Kindly be informed that since you are a minor, you would need the consent of both the parents to allow you to travel. In order to provide you with this parental consent, both your parents need to visit the Consulate and sign a consent form.
For that purpose, we inform you that you can request an appointment using the portal Prenot@mi at the following link: Home Page – Prenot@Mi (
Once the date is verified by us, you shall receive a message confirming your appointment. The appointment is considered valid ONLY after it is confirmed by this office.
On the occasion of your appointment, you will need to present the original passports of both the parents along with a copy of the same as well as a copy of your passport.
A copy of your birth certificate will also be required
Please be informed that the name of the parents’ mentioned in your birth certificate and on the last page of the passport and the names mentioned in both the parents’ passports have to correspond and be exactly the same. Any discrepancy will not allow this Office to proceed further and will require the support of the so called One And The Same Certificate from the Tehsildar or Panchayat (with legalization and Apostille).
The cost of the attestation is presently of Rs. 1800/- (till 30th September 2024 ) to be paid exclusively via UPI. The payment must be executed directly in the office, on the day of the appointment.
Please also find attached the data protection form (download here) to be signed by the parents and the accompanying application form (download here).
Additionally, we also request you to share scans of the first and last page of your passport, and your parents’ passport via email.
Since December 2023, this Consulate General has been issuing the Electronic Identity Card (CIE).
The electronic identity card is equivalent to a passport for the purpose of expatriation in the Member States of the European Union, in the States of the Schengen Area (EU + Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) and in those in which particular international agreements are in force.
For the purposes of issuing the CIE, it is essential that the applicant:
– is registered with AIRE and his/her name is entered in the appropriate application by the Italian municipality of reference;
– has the birth certificate transcribed in Italy, as the details of the transcription must be reported on the CIE;
– has the Tax Code validated by the Revenue Agency and the Italian municipality of reference. For those who do not have the Tax Code, it will be the responsibility of this Consulate General to request it ex officio;
– has updated his/her position in the consular files in the event of a change of address, change of marital status or birth of children. In this case, you will have to contact the competent services (aire or civil status) before requesting an appointment for the identity card.
All AIRE registered Italian citizens residing in the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Italy in Mumbai (Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh e Maharashtra, as well as the Union Territories of Dadra e Nagar Haveli, Daman e Diu) are informed to take action in applying for the new CIE card at the Consulate if not already in possession.
The new electronic identity card must be requested, by appointment, through the PRENOT@MI platform.
The CIE is not issued on sight on the day of the appointment but is produced by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato di Roma and subsequently sent from Italy, by post, to the address of residence (or address) declared by the applicant.
– A biometric passport photo;
– Previous identity card (even if expired);
– Identification document;
– Act of consent of both parents in the event that the applicant is a minor under 18 years of age;
– Proof of payment to be made directly at the Consulate on the day of the appointment.
The CIE is not issued on the day of the appointment: it will be sent from Italy by registered mail, by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, directly to the address chosen by the applicant, about 15 days after the date of the appointment at the Consulate and/or from the completion of the request. The applicant can check the tracking of the shipment on the Poste Italiane website click on “Search shipments” and enter the registered mail number provided on the day of the appointment.
In case of non-delivery due to incorrect address, there is a 30-day storage at the local post office. At the end of this period, the envelope is returned to the Consulate General for further delivery attempts.
List of useful documents: